The Freight Market: Past, Present, Future | Episode 128

Before we dive into the past, present, and future of the freight market, we talk about a big change we made. We hired an operations manager. It is a huge step for a company like ours, especially as small as we are and considering the freight market we are in. Craig and I discuss why we thought this was a smart decision, even though on the surface, it may seem like a dumb one.

What To Expect From Episode 128

The freight market has been really tough for a year. When is that going to change? In this episode, Craig and I discuss some of the factors that drive the freight market, what usually makes it change, and when we think that it will start to turn. We finish off the episode by talking about the two key things any trucking company needs to focus on to get through times like this.

Below you will find the freight market chart I talk about during this episode.

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